Search found 92 matches
- Fri, 27 2009 Feb 17:49:09
- Forum: Frontpage News
- Topic: Canon VS Nikon
- Replies: 0
- Views: 146705
Canon VS Nikon
You've often seen the debates of Canon VS Nikon; arguments and conjecture are often thrown around masqueraded as "fact". One I see often in such arguments comes down to these criteria: Nikon make better cameras Canon has a better lens selection Today I'll sit down with evidence and look at the secon...
- Thu, 06 2008 Nov 18:49:12
- Forum: Frontpage News
- Topic: A little quote..
- Replies: 0
- Views: 135990
- Thu, 10 2008 Apr 14:40:06
- Forum: Frontpage News
- Topic: Slow Excel 2007 with graphs of large data points
- Replies: 0
- Views: 140766
Slow Excel 2007 with graphs of large data points
I'm sure anyone using Excel 2007 has run into this show stopping problem. You have a huge dataset, say something like 10k results or more (benchmarking data in my case). You format the data, and then put it into a graph. At this point Excel 2007 becomes slow. Sometimes it'll just crash. Either way i...
- Sat, 26 2008 Jan 16:58:15
- Forum: Frontpage News
- Topic: The Print Space
- Replies: 0
- Views: 139741
The Print Space
Last year I attended the Nikon Expo in London. While I was there, I came across a company called The Print Space . I was offered the chance to have a 40x30 inch C-Type print done for free (worth £40). A free print? Why not! Their offices were located in London, so I planned to do the print when I wa...
- Mon, 31 2007 Dec 18:42:13
- Forum: Frontpage News
- Topic: Backtrack 3 and Intel's 3945ABG wireless card
- Replies: 7
- Views: 566452
Backtrack 3 and Intel's 3945ABG wireless card
Having seen so many people in #remote-exploit trying their best to get Backtrack 3 working with Intel's wireless chipsets, mainly the 3945ABG, I decided to write a quick-howto. Lets start by saying it's not quite easy. The default driver for Intel 3945 chipsets can do normal wireless stuff, but can'...
- Sun, 30 2007 Dec 00:57:58
- Forum: Frontpage News
- Topic: Aha! New forums!
- Replies: 4
- Views: 115676
Re: Aha! New forums!
microchip08 wrote:Erm.... quotes not working...
You had BBCode disabled.

- Mon, 05 2007 Nov 19:48:22
- Forum: Frontpage News
- Topic: Aha! New forums!
- Replies: 4
- Views: 115676
Aha! New forums!
As said in the post below, I'm in the process of updating the forums. I've just got the news page working again, now I've got to work my way through and fix all the files that are relying on phpBB2 stuff... 

- Sun, 04 2007 Nov 23:14:45
- Forum: Encrypt Private Messages
- Topic: Encrypt Private Messages Release Topic
- Replies: 0
- Views: 207025
Encrypt Private Messages Release Topic
MOD Name : Encrypt Private Messages MOD Version : 0.0.1 Beta Author : NeoThermic MOD Description : This Mod will encrypt the private messages sent between users using Blowfish with a 255-bit key . This makes it impossible for an admin to browse private messages in general, although it will not stop...
- Sun, 24 2007 Jun 02:46:06
- Forum: Frontpage News
- Topic: Unloved
- Replies: 0
- Views: 113326
Ok, so here's the deal. The site does have a brand-spanking-new design done for it. I just need to find time to not only alter my site to have it, but also get around to porting my modified forums to phpBB3 and also do the new skin...
Boy, I'm going to be so busy...
Boy, I'm going to be so busy...
- Tue, 19 2007 Jun 14:05:08
- Forum: MathML Modification
- Topic: Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality Example
- Replies: 2
- Views: 235270
- Wed, 25 2006 Oct 14:34:39
- Forum: Frontpage News
- Topic: LWE!
- Replies: 0
- Views: 113272
I'm currently at Linux World Expo using their computers in the basement level.
Just a quick note to ciaranm to also prove that I'm who I say I am so I can get spb's mobile number.
Just a quick note to ciaranm to also prove that I'm who I say I am so I can get spb's mobile number.

- Tue, 26 2006 Sep 03:41:02
- Forum: Frontpage News
- Topic: phpBB Podcast!
- Replies: 2
- Views: 102820
phpBB Podcast!
A few of the phpBB team members have produced the first unofficial phpBB podcast.
Fly on over to to listen in!
Fly on over to to listen in!
- Sat, 23 2006 Sep 16:16:18
- Forum: Frontpage News
- Topic: To exploit or not to exploit, that is the question!
- Replies: 6
- Views: 131858
Re: They not like you
I read that topic and thoroughly enjoyed the lameness of it, I guess some people just cannot face being incorrect. Evidently so, and further childish actions by blocking my site from linking to them. Oh well, if they wish to dig themselves into a hole and hide from the truth, they're welcome to, bu...
- Sat, 16 2006 Sep 00:23:31
- Forum: Frontpage News
- Topic: To exploit or not to exploit, that is the question!
- Replies: 6
- Views: 131858
To exploit or not to exploit, that is the question!
Please note: the following is the express views of myself only. It is not the views of the phpBB group, or indeed anyone else. I was recently pointed to this topic by a user of phpBB, citing it as a fix to an apparent vulnerability. Now, the basis of this vulnerability is that if someone calls /inc...
- Sat, 09 2006 Sep 03:03:33
- Forum: Frontpage News
- Topic: Vista Vista Vista!
- Replies: 10
- Views: 162776