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by NeoThermic
Sat, 09 2006 Sep 02:44:24
Forum: Frontpage News
Topic: Vista Vista Vista!
Replies: 10
Views: 130158

Assuming you've got a valid Beta 2 key, you nab it from the super secret Vista RC1 download page on ;)

by NeoThermic
Sat, 09 2006 Sep 02:31:36
Forum: Frontpage News
Topic: Vista Vista Vista!
Replies: 10
Views: 130158

Vista Vista Vista!

I finally took a look at Vista RC1 the other day. Not without issues, mind, but I have to say that I'm in love with Vista. Congrats MS, I want your OS for once! For one, Areo Glass is amazing. I have to say that once enabled, you won't want to disable it. If you don't have a computer that can suppor...
by NeoThermic
Fri, 25 2006 Aug 20:31:07
Forum: Frontpage News
Topic: Intergration with phpBB
Replies: 10
Views: 385914

That was new...4 failed visual confimations and it had succeded on the first, only not showing it [but returned to 'wrong code' and post again-page]. Sorry for double-post. =) That's been fixed :) As for what you said, do not forget that the code is aimed at people who might not know what they are ...
by NeoThermic
Thu, 24 2006 Aug 00:05:27
Forum: Frontpage News
Topic: Intergration with phpBB
Replies: 10
Views: 385914

Care to elaborate? Sure: Doesn't use phpBB's built in functions as-is (it abstracts them out, so thats abscraction on abscraction) Some horribly inefficent queries Hard-coded HTML Very little validation done on the functions. If someone somehow passes data to them, it could lead to exploits That wa...
by NeoThermic
Sun, 20 2006 Aug 15:01:17
Forum: Frontpage News
Topic: phpBB 3.0's New style. EXCLUSIVE!
Replies: 11
Views: 134089

Re: phpBB 3.0's New style. EXCLUSIVE!

Take a look how i can hack your post without registrtion (by OSBORNE) Oh deary me! A guest can post with guest posting enabled! You're 31337!... To add to that, you also failed visual confirmation posting that: [Sat Aug 19 19:17:28 2006] [error] [client] Visual Confirmation posting fai...
by NeoThermic
Sun, 20 2006 Aug 00:19:40
Forum: Frontpage News
Topic: Intergration with phpBB
Replies: 10
Views: 385914

Zarkow wrote:Or you can use and extend

A rather populare mod for creating portals.
If the quick look at the samples in fetchall is anything to go by, I wouldn't touch fetch-all with a barge pole.

by NeoThermic
Sat, 19 2006 Aug 15:12:37
Forum: Frontpage News
Topic: Spam on the rise, film at 11
Replies: 5
Views: 95026

That said, if you're using X-Y Scatter, then you don't get that option - you should really be using Line Graph for this. If you want the smoothed lines, just double-click on each line once the chart is made, and click Smooth lines Yeah, I worked out early this morning that X-Y Scatter was the probl...
by NeoThermic
Sat, 19 2006 Aug 02:27:24
Forum: Frontpage News
Topic: Spam on the rise, film at 11
Replies: 5
Views: 95026

who_cares wrote:looks like they're trying to guest post
For the posts, yes. Registrations obviously not ;)

I allow guest posting (with a captcha) to allow everyone to comment on my blog :)

by NeoThermic
Fri, 18 2006 Aug 23:04:56
Forum: Frontpage News
Topic: Spam on the rise, film at 11
Replies: 5
Views: 95026

Spam on the rise, film at 11

If you're using my forums, I'm watching you ;) I've been logging for over a year now on things like spam registration attempts and spam posts that I've blocked. I decided to take the logs and put them into a graph, to see any trends. Side note: All images are thumbnails, click for larger :) First, s...
by NeoThermic
Wed, 26 2006 Jul 00:54:19
Forum: Frontpage News
Topic: Core 2 Duo? Yes please!
Replies: 1
Views: 79644

Core 2 Duo? Yes please!

So SHS` went spending crazy the other day and specced up a nice set of systems based around Intel's new Core 2 Duo. I noted that if I were to get a Core 2 Duo system, I would get a "better" one. SHS` basically challenged me to do a "better" spec. Here is this "better" spec:
by NeoThermic
Sat, 17 2006 Jun 18:32:16
Forum: Frontpage News
Topic: phpBB 3.0 Olympus Beta 1 Released!
Replies: 0
Views: 96539

phpBB 3.0 Olympus Beta 1 Released!

Yes, you heard me right, it is true. Some people might of thought that Olympus went the way of Duke Nukem Forever (and they even posted to that effect on the forums), but they were wrong :D

So, to download, pop on over to the Developers page and nab yourself a copy today!

Olympus here we come!
by NeoThermic
Sat, 08 2006 Apr 22:57:16
Forum: Frontpage News
Topic: phpBB 3.0's New style. EXCLUSIVE!
Replies: 11
Views: 134089

Thatbitextra wrote:You spelt panel "pannel". Pffff :P
I, uh, always do. However, you're the first to notice :)

by NeoThermic
Sat, 01 2006 Apr 16:38:10
Forum: Frontpage News
Topic: The fools of April are laughing at you...
Replies: 4
Views: 91331

The fools of April are laughing at you...

Yes, for all those that got it, the previous post was an april fools! I would like to thank the phpBB teams for helping me (my banned rank and also convincing most of the phpBB forum goer's it was real). As for the style, its BBLite by Mtechnik, just with a modified header and a few strings changed....
by NeoThermic
Sat, 01 2006 Apr 08:11:23
Forum: Frontpage News
Topic: phpBB 3.0's New style. EXCLUSIVE!
Replies: 11
Views: 134089

phpBB 3.0's New style. EXCLUSIVE!

Ok, I might get kicked off the teams for this, but I think its worth it for everyone. I've managed to get access to the new style, and thus here's a screenshot of it. I hope you all enjoy the new style. As far as I've been told though, the header is still in the works.
by NeoThermic
Sat, 18 2006 Feb 10:50:54
Forum: Frontpage News
Topic: S-U-C-C-E-S-S - thats the way you spell success!
Replies: 6
Views: 102328

Mark wrote:PS: Neo: can i have my confirmation email please?

Is it still not sending those? Damnit.

You're enabled :)
