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Post by NeoThermic » Wed, 29 2004 Dec 02:04:25

The site? Blogshares

Intresting. It seems that now blogs can be used as value for anyone who has a blog. Basically the site tracks links to and links from blogs registerd under the site. Each site that gets a link to gains value. Thus popular blogs gain a lot of value.

Basically you buy shares in a blog you think will become popular, and hope it does. When or if it does, you then have a lot of blogcash.

So in short, its much like the real stock market, but played for Blog Cash, with links on the web. An intresting concept indeed!

Oh, and if you feel nice and want to earn me a tiny amount of Chips (they are not of value, more as a small status thing), you can click my refferer link.

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